COVID-19 Safety for In-Person Events

We understand how hard the year has been and have been working hard to ensure your safety as a patron of our theater. We would like to share with you the steps we have implemented to ensure your safety:

  • Capacity has been reduced to 20%, which means only 150 out of our 800 seats will be available.

  • We ask that masks are worn throughout the theater, they can be removed when seated and enjoying some of our freshly-popped popcorn from the concession counter. 

  • Masks must be worn properly, covering the nose and mouth.

  • Every other row has been taped off.

  • We ask that you sit at least 3 seats away (6 feet) from parties that are not your own.

  • We will be asking all patrons to complete a brief health screener upon entrance; names and phone numbers will also be recorded (per direction from the state mandate).

  • We will also be taking the temperature of all patrons who enter the theater.

  • We ask that any patron who is experiencing any COVID-19 related symptoms or has been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 refrain from visiting the theater. 

  • All volunteers will be wearing masks and will have filled out the same health screener required of patrons as well as a temperature check.

Thank you for your continued interest in the theater, we hope to see you soon!